Wednesday, September 1, 2010

German World Heritage: Wartburg Castle

I was really interested in looking at the Wartburg Castle because it looked really

cool.  I went to a castle once in Duluth and castles have so much history.  This is

some of the information I found interesting about the Wartburg castle.  Wartburg

Castle was founded in 1067.  The person who first laid eyes on the hill where the

castle now sits named the castle.  Wartburg was a place of landgraves in Thuringial

until 1440. The castle has been restored many times.  Between 1952 and 1966 the

East Germans restored the castle to how it looked in the 16th century. The castle

has only one access point which is the castle gate behind the drawbridge.  The

gate remains the same throughout the centuries.  During 1521 and 1522  Martin

Luther lived here. He made good use of his time by translating the New Testament

into German.You can visit the room, where Luther hid. Here you see the place

where once a stain was carefully preserved, supposed to be caused by the ink jar

which Luther threw at the devil  It is said to be one of the most important historical

castles of Germany. The interior of the castle can only be viewed by guided tours. 

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Wartburg Castle was a cultural, religious and

political center. This is what I learned about the Wartburg Castle.

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