Monday, October 18, 2010

Gender roles 19th century: Eleonore Prochaska

Eleonore Prochaska

  • "Potsdam girl"
  • German woman soldier who fought in the Prussian army
  • Served as a drummer, then later as an infantryman
  • Joined the Lützow Free Corps taking the name August Renz
  • Almost all of them were ejected from the army when they found out that they were women exept one: Friederike Kruger
  • Home town of Potsdam created a monument to her memory "In memory of the virgin-heroine"

  • She was severely wounded at the Battle of the Göhrde
  • When treating her wounds they discovered she was a woman and took her to Dannenberg
  • Various plays and poems were written on her life

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