Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All Quiet on the Western Front class discussion

In class we discussed the book All quiet on the Western Front.  We spent the majority of the time talking about your loss of identity once you leave the war.  When you enter the war so young you havent really found yourself yet.  The war is seperating you from society.  Once you return to society you dont have an identity.  All you have is honor of being in the war and today they are not appreciated enough for what they have done then what they should.  Its hard coming back from the war because others cannot relate to you.  Its hard to regain an identity and thats why many people return to the war.  We also talked about how this book makes us feel.  This book is depressing.  Its written in first person to put you in the main characters shoes.  This makes you feel more sad for what they are going through if you feel you are going through it yourself.

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