Monday, October 18, 2010

Gender roles 19th century: Eleonore Prochaska

Eleonore Prochaska

  • "Potsdam girl"
  • German woman soldier who fought in the Prussian army
  • Served as a drummer, then later as an infantryman
  • Joined the Lützow Free Corps taking the name August Renz
  • Almost all of them were ejected from the army when they found out that they were women exept one: Friederike Kruger
  • Home town of Potsdam created a monument to her memory "In memory of the virgin-heroine"

  • She was severely wounded at the Battle of the Göhrde
  • When treating her wounds they discovered she was a woman and took her to Dannenberg
  • Various plays and poems were written on her life

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct 13th assignment: Blog Ratings

The best three class blogs in German 110 Fall 2010
1.Kelsey Kubiak
Really seemed interested in what she was talking about.  Has all the posts needed for the assignments and the formatting was easy and enjoyable to read.  I also liked the background of the blog.
2.Andresen, Kevin
Easy to read and had many pictures to go along with what was being addressed.  Very structured and organized which made reading this blog more enjoyable.
3.Teachout, Jenita
Eveything was easy to read and formatted very nice. It had all the blog postings and seemed really interested in the topics talked about.  Images were very clear and really helped enhance the blog.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All Quiet on the Western Front class discussion

In class we discussed the book All quiet on the Western Front.  We spent the majority of the time talking about your loss of identity once you leave the war.  When you enter the war so young you havent really found yourself yet.  The war is seperating you from society.  Once you return to society you dont have an identity.  All you have is honor of being in the war and today they are not appreciated enough for what they have done then what they should.  Its hard coming back from the war because others cannot relate to you.  Its hard to regain an identity and thats why many people return to the war.  We also talked about how this book makes us feel.  This book is depressing.  Its written in first person to put you in the main characters shoes.  This makes you feel more sad for what they are going through if you feel you are going through it yourself.