Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Berlin Past and Present: Classmates Presentations

Kevin Andresen & Kevin Sparks -U-Bahn and the S-Bahn

-The U-Bahn is a train of transportation. its Is usually neverlat and runs all the time. So you really do not need a car in Germany.

-S-Bahn carries about 1.3 million workers a day. It has 166 different starions and 15 lines.

Alexia Ball & Matthew Steinborn- Art and German Culture 1920 and Present

- Famous artists are Hans Richter, George Grosz, and RaoulHausmann.

- Most read book in Germany is "All Quiet on the Western Front," by Erich Remarque.

Breanna Bigger & Vaughn Malchow - Popular Sights and Activities in Luebeck Germany

- Their is many parks and activities in Luebeck Germany.

- There is also a lot of historical buildings and monuments in Luebeck Germany

Patrick Donohue & David Grow - Staatsoper unter den Linden

- The 18th century was known as the Golden Age because of the big music making in Berlin.

- Berlin still has opera houses that play classical music today.

Lacey Rovang & Kayla Skochenski - Nightlife in Berlin

- You can always find an Irish pub called the Oscar Wilde Pub.

- At night people go to dances, pubs, and casinos.

Andrew Gnirk & Shelby Gunderson - Berlin Buildings

- Furhsehturm is the tallest building in Germany.

- The Furhsehturm has a reflection of a cross when the sun shines on it.

Kelsey Kubiak & Nicole Wollum - Brandenburg Gate

- Is the only gate left that used to be many leading into the city.

- Brandenburg was the symbol of the divided city when East and West Germany were split.

Steven Johnson & Kyle Louks- Berlin during WWII and Now

- Male Population decreased after WWII

- It was hard on the women after WWII because their was less men they had to work to clear rumble and debris

Danielle Ostendorf - Places Seen in Video

-Alexanderplatz is used for transportation in Berlin

- There are five muesums that make up the Museum Island.

Conner Otte - Sports

- Half a million of Berliners play sports

- In 2006 Germany took the World Cup in Football

Sion Owen & Kyle Wesley - Reichstag

- Its like the Capital Building in the U.S.

- It was damaged in WWII because the building was used my Hitler.

Khrystyna Paplow & Jessica Nikula - Berlin during WWII

- Their is 115 jewish houses of prayer

- By German definition their is 8000,000 Jews

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